You’re Too Big For Me…


The time has come for us to part.

To say good-bye

To remember all of the wonderful memories we’ve shared

The laughs, the tears, our fun nights out

The new places we explored, all of the walks we took together

The time has come for us to part

To go our separate ways

To embark on new adventures with new people met along the way

You’ve been with me through thick and thin, not separated by loose ties

But the time has come for us to go our separate ways

Its time to say good-bye.

You no longer fit into this relationship with me…you’ve grown too big for me

Its time to say good-bye

Loyal pants you’ve been to me

But you no longer fit…you are much too big for me

So, with heavy heart, I pile you up

Ready to give you away

For it’s time to say good-bye

Its time to give you away

I’ve got smaller pants to fit into now, and you’re just in my way.

13 responses »

  1. Your poem is great, I like how you used the idea of a relationship with your pants. I love the line, “You no longer fit into this relationship with me…you’ve grown too big for me.” It reminds me of the famous line, “Its not you, its me,” in reverse. Great post!

  2. I love this. It reminds me of an ode by Pablo Neruda. It’s so beautiful how the pantsness of it sneaks up on you. At first you think you'[re leaving a person behind, and then Aha! I got it. And it’s so much bigger than simply a pair of pants. Lovely!

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